Hey there.

Welcome to my little urban farm - Sunchoke Farms

No insta-worthy pictures here - Just a Mom who is learning to eat well so she can be her best self for her family.

Does this sound like you?

You’re here because you want lettuce that tastes like lettuce and spinach that tastes like spinach - real food.

What you usually get…. browning lettuce with slimy bits… gross.

That’s completely unacceptable. You deserve better.

When you eat salad everyday, you feel refreshed and balanced.

My fresh, crispy greens and yummy dressings will leave you feeling energized and ready to conquer the rest of the day.

Salad Snob….

As a farmer who grows salad greens, I’m super picky about my salads, just like you.

It’s a bit of a curse, really. You can’t go out to a restaurant and enjoy a nice salad. 

Wedding receptions are usually a complete disappointment. 

The salads are never as good as you want them to be. 

How are my greens different?

All the salad greens I grow here at Sunchoke Farms are grown with the highest quality standards. 

Attention to detail, quality assurance and cleanliness are hallmarks of my farm. 

I take pride in the food I grow and serve to my family and friends.

You’ll love our greens too. 

“I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to pick up such clean and beautiful looking produce!” - Brenda, South Bend

It’s my goal to help you truly enjoy a delicious salad for you. 

You deserve high quality salad greens to nourish your body, so you can be your best self for those you love.

Take care of you. Eat your salad and don’t worry.

much love,

Ready to buy?

Check out the farm store for the current farmer’s market schedule